Title of the Guest Post: Revolutionize content subscription with an OnlyFans Clone/ Develop an OnlyFans Clone Script and lead the cyberspace
Creators could not make much money from their photos and videos a few years ago. However, the situation changed in November 2016. Which was that platform that transformed content consumption? It is none other than OnlyFans. The British-origin platform introduced subscription plans for users to watch engaging stuff. With Internet penetration and smartphone usage on the rise, entrepreneurs can come out with an OnlyFans clone. OnlyFans: Decoding its stunning growth in 5 years From 60,000 active creators in 2019, the number of performing artists has gone to 1.5 million now. Factors like the loss of jobs during the Coronavirus pandemic and rigid censorship guidelines by big tech companies led to a surge in registrations on OnlyFans. The London-headquartered subscription platform is expected to earn $1.2 billion in revenue by the end of this year. Its robust financial performance will continue in 2022 with a predicted revenue of $2.5 billion. The user b...